Monday, 6 May 2013

In view of difficulties with the answer-phone at the house will be pleased if telephone enquiries are made to mobile 07768 714281

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Security Gate
Don't forget to call for the access code
Fresh Fish
A load of rainbows were delivered last week and although it might not have been consistently good fishing weather spring seems to have arrived and all systems are go.
The few who have been down have had enjoyable and successful visits.

Friday, 29 March 2013

Opening Date 2013
As of Good Friday the road down from the top sheds is still filled in with too much snow to even consider digging it out yet! Work getting the lake ready for the new season has also been delayed while we  have tried to cope with then unprecedented conditions through lambing.
We hope that all will be resolved by 20th April when, as things stand, we hope to open. With any luck the  sun will be shining by then and lambs running round the fields.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Winter Arrangements
Fishing days will now be slightly restricted by other activities around the lake so we ask all who wish to fish to e-mail or call (Neil's mobile 07768 714281). The other reason for calling is that the access code on the gate has been changed!
We have recently re-stocked but these fish are following the year's pattern of feeding under water with less surface activity than one would like to see.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

September Update

During  the 'summer months' a major repair to the road down to the lake was carried out and has improved access very considerably! The same months had seen a build-up of weed, which affected most fishing platforms to different degrees. Virtually all of this has now been removed and the introduction of new stock next week leaves the lake in excellent shape for fishing in September.
Unfortunately we have to close the lake from Friday 7th to Wednesday 11th September inclusive while a family wedding and its aftermath take place. A group booking on Friday 28th means we will also be closed to day ticket fishing on that day.
Arrangements for October onwards will be posted at the end of the month.

Monday, 28 May 2012

New stock

Overwintered fish have given tremendous sport to the hardy few who visited during the cold weather.  Things have obviously warmed up and the introduction of new stock 10 days ago can only add to the fishing available.

Don't forget to ask for the gate code.